D’ohn’t you want some Budweiser, Design Assignment 3

My third assignment had to be 4 stars or more, and I chose to do the assignment “Advertisement Using a Cartoon Character”. I picked this assignment not only because it was 4 stars, but I also thought it would be fun to use one of my favorite cartoon characters in an assignment. I am a huge Simpson’s fan, and I have seen almost every episode, and when I read the details of the assignment, Homer Simpson was the first character that popped into my mind.

I made a Budweiser Beer ad using Homer Simpson, because I thought that it would be a perfect fit, because of how much Homer loves beer. Homer Simpson is such a recognizable character, and Budweiser is such a recognizable beer company, that it fit perfectly.



Assignment Advertisement Using a Cartoon Character

Stars: 4

I created this assignment using GIMP.

Step One: Open GIMP, select files, then select open as layers and select the picture you want to use as the background.

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Step Two: Select files and select open as layers and add the other image that you want.

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Step Three: Select the Scale tool and resize the image.

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Step Four: Once the image is up to scale, you export it.Screen Shot 2017-07-09 at 2.51.50 PM.png

Step Five: I used aviary.com too add the text to my picture

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Step Six: Once you drag the photo, you select add text Screen Shot 2017-07-09 at 2.44.11 PM

Step Seven: Add the text and saveScreen Shot 2017-07-09 at 2.44.47 PM

Author: jbelodeau


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